Special Character Generator
Copy special characters and their HTML entities with one click
Copyright Symbol
Copy copyright symbol ยฉ or its HTML entity code ©
Registered Trademark Symbol
Copy registered trademark symbol ยฎ or its HTML entity code ®
Trademark Symbol
Copy trademark symbol โข or its HTML entity code ™
Degree Symbol
Copy degree symbol ยฐ or its HTML entity code °
Plus-Minus Symbol
Copy plus-minus symbol ยฑ or its HTML entity code ±
Multiplication Symbol
Copy multiplication symbol ร or its HTML entity code ×
Division Symbol
Copy division symbol รท or its HTML entity code ÷
Not Equal Symbol
Copy not equal symbol โ or its HTML entity code ≠
Almost Equal Symbol
Copy almost equal symbol โ or its HTML entity code ≈
Less Than or Equal Symbol
Copy less than or equal symbol โค or its HTML entity code ≤
Greater Than or Equal Symbol
Copy greater than or equal symbol โฅ or its HTML entity code ≥
About Special Character Generator
This tool provides quick access to commonly used special characters and symbols, along with their HTML entities. Perfect for web developers, content creators, and anyone who needs to use special characters in their work.
- One-click copying of characters and HTML entities
- Organized categories for easy navigation
- Mobile-friendly interface
- Common symbols, mathematical notation, and more
- Instant visual feedback on copy
How to Use
- Browse through the categories to find your desired symbol
- Click 'Copy Char' to copy the symbol itself
- Click 'Copy HTML' to copy the HTML entity code
- Paste the copied content wherever you need it